Holy Communion at All Saints
All Saints Church via del Babuino 153, Roma, Roma, ItalyEx Collegio will sing the mass. They will announce the music soon. NCS members who know the music are invited to join them.
Ex Collegio will sing the mass. They will announce the music soon. NCS members who know the music are invited to join them.
Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff (1873 – 1943): 2nd Piano Concerto Selected music a cappella from the following: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky(1840 – 1893) Priidite, poklonimsya Come, let us worship (3’30”) Kheruvimskaya pyesn Cherubic Hymn (7’30”) Tebye poyem We hymn Thee […]